Imagine watching our teens shine confidently as they get ready to launch and take on the biggest role of their lives.

This is our main objective for your teen AND you when you sign up for one of our TEACH Me ADHD©: Director's Cut workshops! This new series is intended to support teens through the adolescent years when we want to give them more independence and practice of essential life skills before they go off to college. 
TEACH Me ADHD©: Director's Cut is designed for ALL teens between the ages of 13 - 18 whether or not they have a formal diagnosis of ADHD or anxiety since all teens can benefit. 

If you're interested, but not ready to sign up yet, get on our VIP list. VIPs will be among the first to learn of new offerings and updates!

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Check out the complete TEACH Me ADHD© Director's Cut 10-workshop series just for teens!

We have been busy behind the scenes creating engaging new content just for teens. Utilizing the same fun, engaging and interactive format TEACH Me ADHD© is known for, we apply the same methods to a THEATER-THEMED curriculum, so teens become the "director" of their biggest production yet--LIFE.  We've curated 10 workshops for our budding creatives to get them ready to not only implement their vision of the script but they will feel confident to star as the lead character in their life story.

This series is designed to be suitable to all teens, even those without ADHD or anxiety, as adolescence is often filled with a lot of "drama."

As our teens progress through this "stage" of life, parents find themselves as "stage managers." This role is just as important, with parents staying in the "wings"—ready to step in as needed but allowing our teens to take the spotlight and shine on stage when it's time.

*NEW* Request a Time

You can now request a time to take a workshop by using Calendly. Once your request is made, we will open the scheduler to register for the course if you choose a group session or send a direct link if you want a one-on-one session. Individual courses are $100 and groups of 3 or more are $50 per person. Each individual workshop is about 60 minutes. Allow up to 90 minutes with groups to allow for all to participate. Invite friends to learn together and to get a discount!

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Anxiety Management

Rates of anxiety among our youth are on the rise. Learning about anxiety is crucial for teens today as it helps them recognize and understand their own mental health challenges, as well as build better coping strategies and resilience.

Awareness of anxiety can also promote empathy and support among peers, reduce stigma and create a more understanding and inclusive environment.

We call this one "Turn Down the Volume" because when worries flare, we need to quiet our brains. 

In this workshop, teens will learn:

  • why anxiety exists 
  • how to recognize anxiety early to stay in control
  • when anxiety is helpful - it does serve a purpose!
  • how to use healthy coping skills

During this workshop the benefits of mindfulness and meditation will be briefly discussed, but everyone is encouraged to follow up with the "Magic on Stage" workshop, which could be considered Part 2 of this course. There's too much to talk about in one session so we'd love for you to be able to join both sessions. 

Individual workshops last about an hour and cost $100. Groups for 3 or more may last 60-90 minutes, depending upon group participation and are $50 per person. Use the Calendly button to request a time!


Think mindfulness and ADHD don't mix? 

Think again!

There are many ways to practice mindfulness. Routine mindfulness practice has been shown to improve focus and emotional regulation, so it's especially helpful for people with ADHD or anxiety.

In this workshop, participants will learn about the science of mindfulness. Throughout the workshop we'll play some mind tricks to see how our brains can be tricky. Our tricky brains can make us think and feel one way, but learning to change perspectives can help us see the situation in another light.

We'll practice several types of meditation to get everyone off to starting their own mindfulness practice.

It is not magic, but it can feel like it! 

During this workshop, teens will:

  • learn the science of mindfulness
  • discover and practice various techniques

Individual workshops last about an hour and cost $100. Groups for 3 or more may last 60-90 minutes, depending upon group participation and are $50 per person. Use the Calendly button to request a time!

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Emotional Regulation

Anxiety and ADHD can interfere with processing and controlling emotions, leading to intense reactions and over-reactions. In "Anger on the Set" teens will learn how our brains work and how they can keep their cool.
In this workshop, teens will:
  • Learn to recognize triggers & use techniques to control emotions
  • Address issues of bullying 

Individual workshops last about an hour and cost $100. Groups for 3 or more may last 60-90 minutes, depending upon group participation and are $50 per person. Use the Calendly button to request a time!

Time Management and Organization

Behind the scenes, we call this "Scaffolding for Success."
Executive functioning problems and overwhelm can get in the way of getting stuff done.
In this workshop, teens will:
  • Learn proven time management & organization techniques
  • Identify time wasters

Individual workshops last about an hour and cost $100. Groups for 3 or more may last 60-90 minutes, depending upon group participation and are $50 per person. Use the Calendly button to request a time!

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Finding Motivation

People with ADHD often are labeled as "lazy" but it's not laziness that gets in the way. It's often brain chemistry.

We know it can be hard to get started even though you know you need to because of the way our brains work with neurotransmitters. The good news is that there are proven ways to help boost motivation that any of us can use to get stuff done!

In this workshop, teens will learn:

  • The science of motivation
  • Proven techniques to boost motivation

Individual workshops last about an hour and cost $100. Groups for 3 or more may last 60-90 minutes, depending upon group participation and are $50 per person. Use the Calendly button to request a time!

All About ADHD

Too often, people with ADHD are misunderstood and unfairly labeled as lazy or not trying hard enough. But did you know that ADHD is rooted in how the brain works? The struggles—and strengths—that come with ADHD are brain-based, not character flaws.
In this workshop, teens will:
  • Discover strengths and weaknesses
  • Learn Executive Function tools
  • Learn how to advocate for themselves on their stage
  • Gain valuable insights into your brain

Individual workshops last about an hour and cost $100. Groups for 3 or more may last 60-90 minutes, depending upon group participation and are $50 per person. Use the Calendly button to request a time!

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Communication and Social Skills

Stage presence is a performer's ability to engage and capture an audience's attention. We all know that person who exudes confidence. We'll explore the positive qualities that attract others in this workshop to help build confidence and social skills. 
We may not always feel confident with our social skills, but we can learn to grow our stage presence to look (and feel) more confident in social situations!
In this workshop, teens will:
  • Learn to boost communication and social skills
  • Build self-esteem
  • Learn to "shine on stage"—in other words, in life!

Individual workshops last about an hour and cost $100. Groups for 3 or more may last 60-90 minutes, depending upon group participation and are $50 per person. Use the Calendly button to request a time!

Self-care from a biological point of view

Behind the scenes we call this one, "Setting the Stage for Success" because we all need to practice self-cares to be successful.

This workshop delves into the neuroscience of ADHD and anxiety and offers natural ways to boost your own neurotransmitters. 

Yes, self-care is based in science! We'll talk about the importance of nutrition, exercise, sleep, self-care, and managing time online from a biological point of view. When we understand the reasons behind recommendations, we may be more inclined to follow them.

Parents, if you feel like a broken record, teens may choose to have healthier habits after this workshop!

Individual workshops last about an hour and cost $100. Groups for 3 or more may last 60-90 minutes, depending upon group participation and are $50 per person. Use the Calendly button to request a time!


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Managing ADHD Medication Side Effects

ADHD Medications remain the first-line treatment for ADHD, but what can you do if you have side effects to them?

In the theater world, "open-ended run" means that a show will run as long as there is interest. Finding the right medication sometimes takes time, but once the right one is found, it can have a long run.

If you're nervous to start medications or struggling to find the right fit, learn to manage side effects for optimal control of symptoms. 

This class breaks from the typical skills-based workshop and covers important information about medication management that a short office visit doesn't allow to be discussed. This workshop is great for parents and teens to take together or even for parents of younger children or adults who are struggling to manage their ADHD symptoms!

In this workshop, participants will learn:

  • Types of medications used to treat ADHD
  • Common side effects of various medications
  • Adjustments that can be made to help tolerate side effects
  • When a medication type or dose should be changed

Individual workshops last about an hour and cost $100. Groups for 3 or more may last 60-90 minutes, depending upon group participation and are $50 per person. Parents can join their teen for free with this session! Use the Calendly button to request a time!

Rejection Sensitivity & Negative Thinking

The teenage years are a time of growth, excitement, and challenge for everyone, but teens with ADHD in particular struggle with emotional regulation.

With changes in school, friendships, and responsibilities, teens often experience intense emotions. Learning how to manage these feelings is crucial to problem solving and maintaining healthy relationships.

You don’t need to be a neuroscientist to understand that our brains are wired to feel strong emotions before we have time to recognize or process them. In fact, these intense emotions can make it difficult to think clearly. They can also distort our memories, causing us to remember events differently from how they actually happened.

Rejection sensitivity and negativity can be challenged for a better outlook. We call this session "Reworking the Script" because teens will learn to change their script to be more positive in how they think. Positive thinking can lead to more positive feelings and behaviors.

In this workshop we'll cover:

  • Core beliefs
  • Flipping negative thoughts to positive thoughts
  • Healthy coping skills

Individual workshops last about an hour and cost $100. Groups for 3 or more may last 60-90 minutes, depending upon group participation and are $50 per person. Use the Calendly button to request a time!

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Learn from Anywhere

We know teens have busy lives so we offer a rotating schedule of this and each of the TEACH Me ADHD: Director's Cut Teen Workshop Series throughout the year.

Each of the 10 workshops are 90-minutes and offered on zoom. Your teen can log on using their phone, tablet, or computer and use headphones for privacy. We will be offering each of 10 workshops multiple times a year so your teen can always sign up based on their schedule and time of year.

Teens can sign up for one, a few, or all the workshops! 


This workshop is exclusively for teens aged 13 to 18, allowing them to learn and grow alongside their peers. We have designed the series with teens stepping into the "director" role, using theater terminology to empower them to "rework their script" and realize their true potential.

There are ten workshops in total for our directors to learn and hone their craft. Teens who need ongoing support or have further questions will gain access to our free, secure Kajabi Communities app, which allows communication with our instructor between classes for questions and encouragement. The forum is monitored by our staff and only registered teens and staff will have access.

Parent Support Included

Teens can invite parents to join them during each live workshop, either on or off camera.

However in keeping with the theme, parents in this main stage production take on the important role of "Stage Managers" who do a variety of tasks behind the scenes.

Parent attendance is optional as parents will receive an email with access to resources and a video summarizing content ahead of each workshop. These tools are intended to help you talk confidently with your teen and reinforce ongoing practice! 

Extra! Extra!

Teens and parents will have the ability to download worksheets to print at home for each course after registration. These sheets are the pages of the complete workbook corresponding to the course(s) you purchase and is included in the cost of each workshop. Teens can even import the PDF onto their tablet/iPAD and mark it up! 

Families can choose to order a printed copy that includes pages from all 10 workshops. These workbooks are printed after ordering and shipped within 2 weeks. If you order the workbook you will receive a pdf to print pages at home. This workbook is available for an additional cost - and we will cover that cost if you purchase all 10 workshops!

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Love the idea of these workshops but dates don't work out? 

Join our wait list to be notified as soon as new dates are released and get exclusive discounts for VIP access when you do sign up for a workshop later!

Meet Your "Assistant Director"

Each 90 minute workshop is led by Dr Kristen Stuppy, general pediatrician, based in Kansas who brings over 25 years of cumulative experience working with families in the clinic and online. She is passionate about supporting our budding creatives as they take on both director and actor roles throughout the run of your show.